
Sparta IL

(888) 502-0985


A drug addiction is a serious problem, and sometimes it requires that you make a choice to take control of your life. Entering a substance abuse treatment facility is one such choice. By spending some time with us at drug rehab clinic in Sparta, Illinois, you can build a foundation for your future and begin working towards breaking free of your addiction. If you are interested in the thought of enrolling in a drug rehab facility, read on to learn about what our organization does and what our clients typically experience.


If you have attempted to stop using substances before, then you may already be familiar with withdrawal, the uncomfortable and possibly dangerous symptoms that arise when you haven’t consumed an addictive substance for a while. Withdrawal is more powerful if you have consumed more of the substance, and the exact symptoms vary depending on the substance in question. While for some people they are mild, withdrawal symptoms can have severe effects on your health and pose a risk to your safety.


For that reason, as long as you stay at our addiction recovery center you will have our expert staff keeping a close eye on your health to make sure your withdrawal is safe and managed. It is very important that you tell our staff about your addiction history so we can be prepared to provide you with the support you need during detox. We take a nonjudgmental approach and we only want the information for your own protection and well-being.


Aside from monitoring your safety, our addiction recovery facility is centered on helping clients deal with stress, trauma, and other factors that lead to addiction. We do this through therapy, utilizing both individual and group sessions. The individual therapy sessions are built around helping you decide what your goals are going to be and then building up the skills you need to reach the goals you have chosen. That means you, as the client, are in control. The therapist is there to help you, not to tell you what to do. Your therapist will talk about things like creating a good support network, managing the stressors in your life, learning about healthy boundaries, and anything else that might be helpful. Once again, trust goes a long way. It can take time to build a rapport with a therapist, but it is well worth it.


The group therapy at our addiction treatment center provides a different kind of help. There, you can talk to other clients about common problems and solutions. Whether it is learning about a way to manage cravings or giving advice about how to stay motivated, the process of sharing insights and feelings with others is both healing and helpful. It also might feel easier to trust fellow clients than a therapist at first. Group therapy might involve a general group or a group based on a certain topic or concept, so you can choose what is best for your needs.


After you have reached the point where you have learned all you can, you can be discharged from the addiction treatment facility. We manage your discharge so that you land in a good spot with the right connections and resources to succeed. We follow up with you and might make a referral to a therapist or other care provider for ongoing support. Exiting the addiction recovery program does not mean that you have no contact with us, and we want to put you in the best position possible to escape addiction.


Addiction recovery is a long process. Drug rehab centers are one important resource for you, so give it some real consideration. Our drug detox clinic has had many successful clients and we are always happy to receive more.